
‘In 2019 at the start of Lockdown I was suddenly, following the death of Jago my 17-year-old, much loved dog, completely alone for the first time in my long life. I searched over the next two years for another rescue dog to be my companion but due to the amazing demand for dogs it was 2021 before I spotted Lexi on the Holly Hedge website and was invited to meet her. It was so exciting but I was nervous. My son joined me and we had our first whirlwind meeting with Lexi! She was so excited but also so affectionate to everyone. She was also quite anxious and constantly looked for something to offer to play with us, eventually stealing a toy from a display basket. I returned twice and was able to walk her round the field and by this time I had no doubt that I wanted to adopt her. Lexi was 10 years old and I am no spring chicken so it was a perfect match for me. I had continued to walk regularly so I managed to persuade Holly Hedge that I could deal with this very lively 10-year-old! From the moment Lexi jumped into my car, checked out the house and garden, then checked the comfort of the beds on offer including the big one upstairs, deciding that all was good and that she was going
She is a very smart dog with a collie’s intelligence. She loves her routines and has excellent recall on walks. Squirrel chasing is her top favourite thing, plus balls, ropes and gazing out of windows. She is sociable but is not averse to correcting over-playful young dogs! She has also overcome a fear of barking which is a mixed blessing!
Having had two bad teeth out recently and celebrated her 11th birthday she is in pretty good health and will be holidaying in the Isles of Scilly in October.
Lexi is an absolute joy, my constant companion and friend and we are both delighted that Holly Hedge gave us this opportunity at this time of our lives.’