Wild Life Meadow

Over the last 2 years Holly Hedge purchased land next to its entrance to enable the Sanctuary to create a Wild Flower Meadow and new habitat to protect existing species.
Holly Hedge are trying to create a safe haven for wildlife affected by local housing development in neighbouring woodland and bring local bats, birds and woodland creatures within the protection of the Sanctuary.
With the help of our Partner Avon Wild Life Trust and a financial Grant form Viridor Credits Environmental Company, a Biodiversity Project began in 2018 with the installation of a Wildlife Pond and a Stone Bat Folly.
The Meadow will also provide open space for rescue dogs to run free. They enjoy their woodland walks but for safety reasons would always be in harness and lead with trained handlers.
We also planted Pond Marginals, Hedgerows and Trees in the meadow, and Herbaceous plants in the sanctuary gardens. The increase in insects will feed birds and bats and encourage butterflies and bees.
Stage 2 & 3 of the project included installing wildlife friendly fencing with the help from Viridor Credits biodiversity grants and the building of a Resource Centre, Gift Shop and Coffee Station after extending the existing Visitor Reception & Welcome Area, all thanks to an amazing grant from Postcode Lottery.
We invite our supporters to join our effort to raise funds to create a haven for all animals in our care.
PROJECT SITE – Installation Program
A Steering Group has been appointed to Manage the Wild Life Project
‘Holly Hedge Meadow Trust’

STAGE 1 – BIODIVERSITY – Wild Life Protection Plan

Viridor Credits Environmental Company Grant £86,000
Wild Life Pond and Bat Folly Installations (pond complete)

Holly Hedge Pond site with temporary protective picket fence

Holly Hedge Pond is now thriving with wildlife, tadpoles and butterflies and this year we were delighted to see 2 little ducks using the area to nest in, their very own pond, they must have wondered how they got so lucky!
Images of pond site planting – Marginals, Pollinators & water plants…..

Other Completed Elements of the Project include the following …..
Perimeter Trees, Hedgerows, Shrubs and Climbers

100% Native Wild Flower Seed will be scattered in 2020
STAGE 2 & 3 – Resource Centre Disabled Access & Parking – Perimeter Path
Reception Extension:

FINISHED EXTENSION Resource Facility with Gift Shop & Café

This wonderful addition is already proving popular with our volunteers and visitors who are able to now grab a coffee and learn about our project, our local wildfire and offer their help to manage the land.
Thank You !
Holly Hedge would like to thank the amazing people who have contributed so far to support this project. This generosity of spirit and financial help from special people has enabled us to protect and increase habitat and our neighbouring woodland creatures, without encroaching on the Domestic Animal Welfare Funds.
Grant providers and kind benefactors have made this project possible and we would also like to acknowledge the generosity of Viridor Credits Environmental Company who funded the initial Biodiversity Installations, planting and Wild Flower Seed and contributed to the Land purchase and Postcode Lottery who funded our Resource Centre.
We would also wish to thank our local community funds, Freemans Quarry (Cemex), Stancombe Quarry (Tarmac), Bristol Airport Community Fund, Tesco Bags of Help, and other individual donations.
The Trustees, Staff & Volunteers are overwhelmed with gratitude for this wonderful support.
Can you help?
We are also looking for a knowledgable volunteer to look after the planting and we need an experienced gardener, horticultural person to advise and support the team to look after the meadow and its trees, and the border planting within the sanctuary. If you are interested in either of these please fill in our Volunteer Application Form here and under “Which volunteer role(s) are you interested in applying for:” tick Other and enter “Wild Life Meadow”.