Donate Food and Goods
We are always grateful for donations of food, bedding and toys for our animals (our four legged friends are especially appreciative). Please note that unfortunately we cannot take duvets or pillows, as we can’t wash and dry them easily in our machine, but snuggly blankets and vet bedding are always needed.
Some nearly new items (like cat carriers) can be sold at the Sanctuary as well as at our charity shop in Nailsea or our online E-bay shop – with all the money coming back to the Sanctuary to help the animals in our care.
We are also always looking for quality second hand items and unwanted gifts to sell at our charity shop in Nailsea, online E-bay shop, table top sales and bric-a-brac events. Items can be brought to the Sanctuary or directly to our shop. However if you are unable to get to us please email to see if there is a staff member or volunteer in your area who we can ask to collect from you, or if you are on facebook, join our Holly Hedge Helpers group, full of amazing people wanting to go the extra mile for us, and ask if someone local is happy to collect from you. All profits from these sales go towards caring for the animals at the Sanctuary.
You can also donate goods from our Amazon Lists:
Holly Hedge wish list – General items
Holly Hedge Kitten Registry – Kitten food
Once you have selected & ordered your item(s) they will be sent directly to the Sanctuary.
We are sorry but Amazon doesn’t often disclose buyer information so we are unable to thank everyone personally for their donations, as we don’t know who has donated the items from our Amazon lists! We would therefore like to say a heartfelt thank you now for your gift to our rescues.
The list below contains items that we regularly use. If you are able to help by donating any of the following we would be very grateful to you:
- Butchers Grain Free in Tins
- Harringtons trays
- Forthglade Grain Free
- Nature Diet
- James Wellbeloved Puppy Pouches
- Poo bags
- Slow Feeders for dogs
- Primula Squeezy Cheese
- Cimicat
- Felix kitten pouches in jelly
- Whiska’s kitten pouches in jelly
- Applaws Cat Pouches
- James Wellbeloved Wet Cat Food
- Felix Cat food in Jelly
- James Wellbeloved Dry Cat Food
- Grain Free Wet Cat Food
- Astonish Laundry Liquid
- Bin Bags
We have popped a link to these products from larger retailers, but where possible please do support your local pet shops and small businesses.