Whether you want to join us for a rush of adrenaline or just to watch, don’t miss this brilliant event that raises much needed funds for the animals in our care.
We’re looking for heroes to make a splash for our animals in need!
Would you jump into the Marina to be rescued by a 150lb, web-toed gentle giant to make a better life for our rescues?
You can make a real difference by doing something exhilarating! How does it work? You register and pay the £25 registration fee, start fundraising to reach a minimum of £130 in sponsorship, then take the plunge surrounded by your friends, family and Holly Hedge supporters.
For more information and to register for a place please contact Hannah on 01275 474719, or email fundraising@hollyhedge.org.uk – please note that we have limited spaces for this event and participants will be registered on a first-come-first-served basis, so get in quick!