Veterinary costs appeal – Hope


Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Age 6

Hope was brought to Holly Hedge underweight and with horrific injuries to her back left leg and was taken straight to the vet.

Hospitalised for several weeks Hope had scans and X-Rays and underwent reconstructive surgery to save her leg with a good prognosis. Sadly, six months later she was experiencing pain and the vet decided amputation was the only solution with a further five days in the veterinary hospital.

The total cost was well in excess of £5,000.

Hope continues to have ongoing daily and monthly pain medication, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy weekly.

Hope is still at Holly Hedge desperate for her forever home, we will continue to meet the cost of her ongoing treatment.


Read some of Hope’s veterinary history notes below


Stray, Road traffic accident. Brought into Holly Hedge. Mutilated left hind leg, underweight.


  • X-Rays
  • Reconstruction of right hindleg. Hospitalisation two + weeks.
  • Leg amputation as reconstruction breaking down, Hope in a lot of pain.
  • Ongoing skin allergies (now fed raw food), Malaseb baths.
  • Deflead, wormed, vaccinated.
  • Spayed.


  • Librera
  • Gabapentin
  • Skin allergies
  • Hydrotherapy and Physiotherapy
  • Special food costing £65 a week.