Please meet one of our fabulous supporters Louise, who we have the utmost respect for.
Louise will be running in the London Marathon on Sunday 26th April 2020. It will be her first and last ever marathon, and we asked why now, and why she chose to support us.
Here’s what she said:
“I attach a couple of photos of myself and Max. We adopted him in 2012 and he has been the most fantastic and loving dog. He is a lab/roti cross and was known as Michael when we adopted him. We also had 2 other dogs gsd/collie (photo of Shamrock attached) and collie/borzoi (Boris) from Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary, Shamrock lived until she was 16.
I have run and with my dogs, for many years and despite his advancing age, Max is still running my short distance runs with me.
Since a child, home has always been where the dog is and even though we are now retired we love the exercise a dog requires and the companionship that we get from Max. He travels to France each year and loves to chase squirrels!
I retired in 2012 from a really pressurised role, spent the last 6.5 years in retail and finally finished all work in April 2019. I now love to travel and we always try to find dog friendly accommodation in the UK or France.
Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary is a fantastic organisation with many dedicated staff and supporters and I wanted to use my marathon opportunity to raise some cash to help you continue your great work.
I have entered many half marathons but at the age of 63, this will be my first and last marathon. I hope to complete it, it in under 4.5 hours and the training has begun with long distance runs once each week to supplement the shorter ones.
I am married (for 42 years) to Arthur (runner and avid golfer) and we have 2 sons who think I am mad!”
We hope you can get behind Louise and show her some support! What a wonderful, and inspiring woman!
This is a link to her fundraising page, should you be able to make a donation: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/louise-piercy